Category Archives: Uncategorized

Episode 010 – By the Numbers & Online Fandom

In this episode we do a little math by breaking down the tech spec values for the 1984 Transformers toy line, as well as counting the molds used and reused. Also, we explore the early days of the Transformers online fandom, reading the first Usenet posts about the Marvel Comic. We even hunted down a special guest to help us out! (And you’ll never guess who it is!)

Be sure to check out our Amazon links and help support the show!

And come check out the site, TFU.INFO for the world’s greatest and longest-running online transforming toy archive.

Episode 009 – The Transformers G1 Cartoon episodes 6-10

In this episode we take a deeper look into episodes 6-10 of the original Transformers cartoon. From Optimus’ brush with death in “Divde & Conquer,” to the introduction, death and resurrection of Skyfire in, “Fire in the Sky,” and “Fire on the Mountain.” And we meet all 5 Dinobots in “S.O.S. Dinobots,” and “War of the Dinobots.”

Our special guests this episode include the current voice of Starscream in Machinima’s Prime Wars trilogy, Frank Todaro, as well as the Gabrial Owens a.k.a. “The Salty Seaman,” David Schulz from Gamer Going Grey, and Alan Young from ToyBoxComix.

You can catch these Transformers episodes streaming from Amazon or pick up Season 1 on DVD. (Or purchase the entire series!)

Don’t forget to swing on by TFU.INFO and find out the ways you can help the toy archive and the show.

Episode 008 – Meet the Cast of G1 Season 1 (part 2)

As a follow up to Episode 4, we take a look at the voice actors who joined the cast in the second half of the first season of the original Transformers cartoon. Please check out the video version as well.

Be sure to check out these YouTube Channels featured in the video:

Hal Rayle
Mona Marshall

Also, please help the show by liking, subscribing and leaving a review. Or by using our Amazon link.

Episode 007 – Marvel Books

In this episode of Transformers University we take a look at the contributions by some of the comics legends that comprised the art departments of Marvel Books in 1984. Did you know that Spider-Man co-creator, Steve Ditko worked on a Transformers book? Or painter Earl Norem? Well, they did! We explore some of the oddest Transformers stories of all time; from The Search for Treasure Undersea to The Great Car Rally to Return to Cybertron and more!

Follow along with Steve Stonebreaker’s great archive at

With special guest appearances by Rob Springer of Zone Base, Alan Young of Toy Box Comix, and Jason Kirk of Podvocacy.

Don’t forget to help the show and the site by using our Amazon links! And while you are at it, please rate and review the show to help spread the word!

Happy 2018 from TFU.INFO!

Episode 006 – Marvel Comics Issues 1-4 – Presented by TFU.INFO

Episode 006 – While the cartoon show was the most popular incarnation of The Transformers, the robots in disguise were born from the bullpen at Marvel. In this episode, we take a look at the original four-issue limited series, the creators behind the books and the impact these issues had on the future of the fiction and fandom. Anthony breaks down the interesting tidbits from each book while checking in with Radio Free Cybertron host Brian Kilby, Gabriel Owens from The Salty Seaman, Rob London from the Stasis Pod, Transformers comic book artist Dan Khanna, and Yoshi & Charles from Transmissions Podcast.

Want to read along while we talk about these stories? Pick up the special reprinted editions or go digital on Comixology!

Episode 005 – The Transformers G1 Cartoon episodes 1-5 – Presented by TFU.INFO

Episode 005 – In this one we delve into the most famous part of Transformers lore, the original cartoon series from Sunbow & Marvel Productions. We tackle the first 5 episodes of the series: the original 3-part mini-series, “More Than Meets the Eye,” as well as the follow up episodes, “Transport to Oblivion,” and “Roll for It.” We’ll hear clips from the episodes, break down the theme music, and explore the careers of the episode writers. Transformers lead designer John Warden chimes in with his recollections on a these episodes and Megatron himself, Frank Welker, talks about the influence these episodes have on his performances in recent years. Lastly, we’ll check in with the gang from Cybertronological to talk about some of the fun insanity in each episode. All that and more, brought to you by the world’s greatest transforming toy archive, TFU.INFO!

Episode 004 – Meet the Cast of G1 Season 1 (part 1) – Presented by TFU.INFO

In this episode, we meet the actors from the first season of the original Transformers cartoon and take a look at their inspirations as well as their careers.

Be sure to check out the video version of this episode at

And if you need to pick up the series on DVD, you can do so here:



Episode 003 – 1984 Toyline – Presented by TFU.INFO

Transformers University – Episode 003 – We break down the original 1984 toyline; from the pre-Transformers days of Micro Change and Diaclone through the US toy releases of the Minibots, Autobot Cars, Casettes, Decepticon Jets, Soundwave, Megatron and Optimus Prime.

With special contributions by:

Brian Kilby and Don Fergeson of Radio Free Cybertron:

David Schulz of Gamer Going Grey:

and Gabe Owens of The Salty Seaman:

Additional links:

Marlboro Wheeljack:

Transformers University – Episode 002 – Jim Shooter Interview – presented by TFU.INFO

Transformers University – Episode 002 – Jim Shooter Interview – presented by TFU.INFO – Anthony sits down with former Marvel Editor-In-Chief Jim Shooter to discuss his role in the creation of the Transformers story. As the head of the Marvel Comics bullpen in the early 1980’s, Shooter was the man responsible for developing the Transformers backstory, as well as G. I. Joe, before assigning them to the writers who would craft the brand and characters. Here, Jim talk about the very beginnings of the Transformers story, as well as the beginning of G.I. Joe, and gives insight into some of the personalities involved with the early issues, such as Bill Mantlo, Bob Budianski, and Frank Springer.